Saturday, August 11, 2012

Heartland Communiqué

Heartland Communiqué


“Hello, is Mother
at home?”
—William Stafford
“The Farm and the Great
Plains,” The Darkness
Around Us Is Deep

Of course, you’re not home—
You’re dead and so are all
The Others who once were
So intimate and real…

Exile is Authorial—
It’s the ultimate Narrative
At least that’s what
The New York Times says…

I believe everything—
Everything I hear much
More than things I watch
On TV or in books…

Listening to you—
Sitting in the quiet of the
Night meant more to me
Than Entertainment…

This art deco photo—
NYC overhead snapshot
Chrysler Building gargoyles
Looming down over me…

Compare that to this—
Satellite photo now of my
Mosaic boyhood so very
Fly Over State Moderne…

Me down there somewhere—
Posing in front of ‘40s camera
Before the plains intelligentsia
My stoic KS relatives…

They were pretty smart—
A lot smarter than me now
With my baccalaureate and
Cosmopolitan quack-quack…

Their cynical faces—
More at one with their skin
Then I’d ever be because
Plains Smart is different…

WWII changed things—
Rural life and Midwestern
Existence got globalized fast
By perpetual war economics…

Eternal war economy—
Flexing its industry loins because
The country never wanted to
Go thru another Depression…

The Westering Experience—
Mock-heroic melodramas
Cary Grant getting shot at
In a dusty Kansas cornfield…

Better than that tho—
This other photo my father
Back from P-51 England skies
After WWII with his relatives…

Three generations—
In a single snapshot that
Captures how the West was
Really won—by Farmers…

Funny how RFD reads—
The grim genealogy in the
Faces of living breathing old
Kansas men and women…

Just a snapshot that’s all—
Back when a picture was
Worth a thousand words
Before info-glut kicked in…

And there they were—
And there they are and
There I am tonight meditating
On this communiqué thing…

What to make of it—
Other than the Midwest is
That part of me that still
Speaks in the middle of Night

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