In Cold Blood
Dave Leiker
“Industrial Building – Chanute”
Not just Detroit—
But Chanute Kansas too
Decaying by the tracks
Some say these old—
Buildings are just “retired”
But is that really so?
They’re more like tombs—
After the grave-robbers
Broke-in and robbed them
Decay & rot has set in—
Nothing manmade lasts
Very long around here
Dave Leiker
“Wooden Overpass – Alta Vista”
Creaky cranky old bridge—
Up over the railroad tracks
With its wooden planks
Twisted naked old—
Cottonwood trees gnarled
Alongside the dirt road
A couple of modern—
Grain silos incongruently
Protruding way out there
How many gone Chevy—
Pickups and dilapidated old
Farmers traveled this road?
Dave Leiker, “Barn Dissolving”
(Stone and Vines)
Nothing lasts forever—
Not even Stonehenge or
The Easter Island statues
Not the ancient Mayan—
Ruins all twisted in vines
And jungle dissolution
The same with Kansas—
The limestone slab walls
Of what used to be a barn
The land seems to have—
A mind of its own & takes
Back what was once ours
Dave Leiker
“West Wall – Barn Dissolving”
Temples built of stone—
In Greece, Rome & Egypt
India and Angkor Wat
Built by royal stonemasons—
To last forever and ever
Even past kings and queens
Temples built in Kansas—
Homes, sheds and barns
By the grim early settlers
Now they’re all gone—
But the limestone walls
Still cling to existence
Dave Leiker
“Flint Hills Road”
The dead Cottonwood tree—
Leans precariously over the
Flint Hills little dirt road
Twisted fingers reaching—
Upward toward the afternoon
Fading Midwestern sky
This is all we really know—
A road through the countryside
And then, well, that’s it
The reassuring golden hills—
The Cottonwood saying goodbye
Such a brief heartbreaking trip
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