“Might it not be that all the
people we know are only
what we imagine them to be?”
—Sherwood Anderson, A Writer’s
Conception of Realism
It seems like a—
FICTION to me now
The Fly Over State
Here I am—
Out here on the
Pacific West Coast
Going thru photos—
Old scrapbooks and
Prairie memorabilia
Did I actually—
Live way back there
In the Kansas Midwest?
“For Theodore Roosevelt,
rural men and women
represented the very “stay
and strength of the nation
in time of war, and its
guiding and controlling
spirit in time of peace.”
—Colin R. Johnson, Just
Queer Folks: Gender and
Sexuality in Rural America
But not just that—
Rural America provided
Soldiers & fighter pilots
To fill the ranks—
Of all those world wars
And overseas conflicts
Going back thru some—
Old photo albums that are
Decaying into Forgetfulness
I came across this pic—
Entitled rather adroitly
“Welcome Home Hero”
Yes, my dears—
There I was with Daddy
And all the relatives
Nobody knew then—
I was a ditzy queen…
Queer RFD incarnate
“Queer activists and queer
scholars have little use for
“benevolent toleration” these
days.” — Colin R. Johnson,
Just Queer Folks: Gender and
Sexuality in Rural America
Things changed though—
Once my nelly faggotry
Became quite apparent
Yes, Daddy Dearest—
Once I told him way
Back then in college
He cursed me just—
Simply awful, refusing
To ever talk to me again
To my great dismay—
I had a rather nasty
Nervous breakdown
Becoming the victim—
Of a near fatal bleed
Nasty peptic ulcer
So much for str8t—
Small town Kansas
“Indeed, many of them
understandably question
how “benevolent” toleration
can ever really be in a
society that is structurally
heteronormative as American
society is.” — Colin R. Johnson,
Just Queer Folks: Gender and
Sexuality in Rural America
Actually, my dears—
Growing up in a Midwestern
Small college town wasn’t
That much different than—
Being a fag farmboy out
There in the Kansas sticks
FFA Boys in their butchy—
Cowboy boots and blue
Corduroy tight jackets
They didn’t much like—
Faggots any better than
Daddy Dearest did
Animal husbandry—
Was totally, completely
Hetero, honey
No fucking around—
At the County Fair &
Gawd NO at the Rodeo!!!
“This is partly because
seeking to be “tolerated”
hardly constitutes a
particularly high bar for
meaningful social
—Colin R. Johnson, Just
Queer Folks: Gender and
Sexuality in Rural America
For a nelly little queen—
Nothing I did could ever
Justify any kind of tolerance
I suppose if I’d have been—
A flaming queenly queer
High School Cheerleader
Like Jimmy Stevens was—
I could’ve got away with
Lots of hanky-panky stuff
Scoffed at and tolerated—
As just a dizzy nelly fag at
All the basketball games
Sneered at sarcastically—
As just a Pom-Pom Queen
Nothing but a Circus Clown
Harmless, of course—
Just one of the local girls
Having a funny dishy time
“But it is also because
toleration usually ends
up as strained détente—
a highly compromised
form of “freedom” and
an arrangement that
arguably helps to bolster
the social and political
legitimacy of the dominant
faction.” — Colin R. Johnson,
Just Queer Folks: Gender and
Sexuality in Rural America
One could become a—
Queer hairdresser, maybe
A queer church organist
Perhaps a gay jewelry—
Store owner specializing
In nice str8t wedding rings
Maybe a nelly pianist—
Mincing about there in the
Local little teacher’s college
But still everybody knew—
Especially all the married
Kiwanis small town members
Mocking the bachelorhood—
Of those that stayed behind
To endure the chastisement
The lucky faggot few—
Who didn’t have to tolerate
Nagging wives and brats
“Unfortunately dominant
factions are often
responsible for creating
conditions of intolerance
in the first place.”
—Colin R. Johnson, Just
Queer Folks: Gender and
Sexuality in Rural America
There was this rather—
Effeminate grocery store
Long-time gay employee
Who had to tolerate—
Once a year the prejudice
And effrontery of Str8ts
At the tacky local—
Emporia Kiwanis Club
Evening get-togethers
A small-town rendition—
Elitist British Men’s Club
Snotty Str8t Snobbery
They’d sing this special—
Song to their one and only
Unmarried Faggot Bachelor
Snarky singing their—
Haughty trashy superior
Homophobic intolerance
“Thus, queers who openly
express suspicion about
the notion of “tolerance”
are probably justified.”
—Colin R. Johnson, Just
Queer Folks: Gender and
Sexuality in Rural America
After our gay cheerleader—
Jimmy Stevens died of AIDS
In New York City early on
Yours truly tres realized—
Surely gays were doomed
Whether they escaped from
Small-town tacky Kansas—
Or whether they lived in gay
NYC or San Francisco
So much for gay Tolerance—
Hundreds of thousands of
Gays dropped dead like flies
Even now with safe sex—
And new anti-viral advances
The Band Still Just Plays On
Big City Gay Liberation—
Wouldn’t it be safer to be
Small town KS closet case?